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With the continuous development of the wholesale industry, open price and free experience have once become a shopping method that people like. However, while merchants provide customers with this convenient shopping experience, product safety is also an important issue that disturbs merchants. Due to a complete and open shopping space, the loss of goods is inevitable. In particular, some small and refined products are often not of low value.

Faced with this thorny problem, we must pay attention to it and handle it properly. If it is not handled, it will directly affect the survival of a store. Does it feel a bit exaggerated? In fact, it is not exaggerated. For one product, you need to sell three or even more to make up for the loss.

To deal with this problem, the first thing that merchants usually think of is to install monitoring, but monitoring is only a tool for finding problems afterwards, and cannot be processed in time. Because after all, there is not so much manpower and energy to constantly stare at the monitoring screen to see which customer has the problem. It can only be searched afterwards, but the goods have been lost at this time.

The current solution is to install an EAS product electronic detection system. This product is time-sensitive. If any unsettled product passes through the doorway detection channel, it can be alerted in time to remind the store salesperson.

At present, there are mainly two types of supermarket anti-theft doors that are widely used in the market. One is the frequency 8.2Mhz (commonly known as the RF SYSTEM), and the other is the 58khz (AM SYSTEM). So which frequency is better? How to choose?

1. At the technical level, most RF gates currently use imitating signals, while AM gates use digital transmission technology. Therefore, AM gates are relatively more accurate in signal recognition, and the equipment is not susceptible to interference from other unrelated signals. Equipment stability is better.

2. Detect the channel width, the current effective maintenance of RF door is the soft label 90cm-120cm hard label 120-200cm, the AM door detection interval soft label 110-180cm, the hard label 140-280cm, relatively speaking, the AM door detection The interval should be wider, and the shopping mall installation feels wider.

3. Types of maintenance providers. Due to the working principle of the RF system, RF tags are easily interfered and shielded by human body, tin foil, metal and other signals, resulting in failure to perform maintenance functions on products of this type of material. Relatively speaking, the equipment is much better, even on products made of tin foil and other materials, it can also play a role in preventing theft.

4. In terms of price, due to the earlier application of RF equipment, the price is lower than that of AM equipment. However, with the continuous improvement and rapid development of AM equipment in recent years, the cost has gradually decreased, and the current price gap between the two equipment Is gradually decreasing.

5.Appearance display effect and material. Due to some problems of RF equipment, there are fewer and fewer manufacturers investing in RF equipment research and development. RF equipment has less room for development than AM equipment in terms of product innovation or research and development.

AM Security Antenna

Post time: Oct-08-2021